Thursday, April 17, 2008

Notes From The Executive Board

Just some quick notes:

1. SACFTC will not start until the Fall 2008 semester. This is due to the fact that the deadline for clubs/organizations has long past. To be honest, we haven't considered creating the club until the middle of the current semester.

2. Meeting place, dates, and times have not been identified. We have yet to speak with the fire technology department on what classrooms are available and on what days and times. We will notify you when they are determined.

3. Informal meetings are a possibility. There is high chance that we will have informal meetings during summer vacation. Although we will not be an official club at the time, we still have the opportunity to get things done.

4. All information is subject to change. Information and the status of the club may change under certain circumstances. We will notify you of said changes if they happen.

Thank You
-Executive Board

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